Old Blog    Keith's Old Shareware 


I still have a bunch of old WordPress plugins on the WP repository, but I don’t pay attention to them.
I recently received a notice that Link-Fixer, which was Permalink Finder before I changed the name, was banned due to XSS vulnerabilities. I call bullshit on this, but I am no longer programming, and I don’t want to worry about it.
I posted this thread on https://www.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/ The post is Plugin banned. I was surprised at the intelligent discussion that followed, so I wanted to make the plugin available to those that showed interest in it.
You can download my archive of it at https://www.kpgraham … permalink-finder.zip
Have fun, my friends.

This site is made with an old and clutsy program called FlatPress. I use it because it works, and is very lightweight, but I am not sure how safe it is.
This website, along with several others, is hosted on an ancient computer in my cellar. If you have trouble accessing it, assume that I am being hugged to death. Cloudflare should be caching the pages, but if you start perusing my older stuff, expect to crash.